Cream Against Acne
Eventhough it is inevitably linked to puberty, the truth is acne may appear at anytime in life, both in men and women. Whether by stress, hormonal imbalance, or even a bad nutrition… all of these things may lead to the onset of acne. If you use the Antiacné gel from La5Essenzia you will be able to see how progressively your skin recovers the look it is supposed to have. Invest in your looks with not so much.
Suitability: Ideal to battle skin infections, abscesses, small spots, and common acne at an early age.
Composition: Composition: Highlighted are teatree, with its antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic qualities, plus bitter orange, which soothes, balances, and acts as an antiseptic.
Its ground base with aloe vera gel 100% bio will help with healing and recovering the optímal
levels of water on the skin.
Recommended use: Apply on clean skin frequently, at least twice a day.